Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Creation of a New Plague and the Horde

My knowledge of various herbs and plants helped the Apothecary as we started creation on a new plague. This plague would destroy the Scourge and the Living. There was one faction of Azeroth that we had allied with that did not know this however, and it would remain that way for the time being.

The Horde. How well I remember them in my living life. Now they were our allies? How quickly the tables turn in the favor of the Forsaken. They would help us destroy the humans that so hated us. It was strange how we could ally with the living, and sometimes even former enemies to reach a common goal.

But the Plague. It would be a glorious plague. We worked in secret, using the wretched tongue of Gutterspeak to communicate without being overheard. We learned it from the former denizens of Lordaeron's Undercity before we made it our home. It was a symbol of our defiance against the Living Alliance. And with it we were able to create our glorious plague.

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